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    Former Chairperson:

    Sl.No.         Name Designation Date of Assumption Date of demitting Office         Photo Profile
    1 Shri Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose Chairperson 23.03.2019 27.05.2022
    of Tenure)
    Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose

    Shri Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose

    Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose obtained a B. Com. degree from St.Xavier's College and LL.B. degree from the University of Calcutta.He also became Attorney-at-Law at the High Court of Calcutta. Thereafter, he joined Calcutta Bar in the year 1976. He served as Executive Chairman of West Bengal State Legal Services Authority and as Execuve Chairman of Andaman & Nicobar State Legal Services Authority. In July 1997, he was appointed as a Judge of Calcutta High Court. He was appointed Acting Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court in 2012 and subsequently, served as permanent Chief Jusce of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh. During his tenure as Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh, High Court, he also served as Chancellor of NALSAR, Hyderabad. On 8 March, 2013, he was elevated as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India and demitted his office on 27 May, 2017. He served as a Member of the National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi from 29.6.2017 to 21.3.2019. He was awarded with the Honorary Doctorate Degree (LL.D. Honoris Causa) by AMITY University, Gautam Buddh Nagar, UP on 25 November, 2019.

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